
Hello everyone!

For those of you who don’t know me, or are stumbling by for whatever reason, my name is Alexandra and I’m currently pursuing my doctorate at the Technical University of Munich. While I am embarking on my third year of doctoral work in Germany, my previous graduate work was completed at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. For as long as I can remember, I’ve bled husker red, chanted GBR with the best of them, and tailgated for endless hours - I will always be a diehard Husker at heart.

But for the next year or so, my life is in Germany with Matthew and our two fur babies, Harry and Luna. Together, we are deeply passionate about cooking and food, which is also the subject of my graduate research. We also love playing volleyball (how we met), singing (me, definitely not him), reading, and traveling! Follow us through this blog and on instagram (@alexandraaamar) to keep up with our adventure in Munich over the next year.


Figuring out what I wanted to call my blog took me a long time. I wanted something simple, yet something that was uniquely me as well. I decided on AlexandraMBK because I feel like it reflects my journey and my future. M stands for “Martin,” my maiden name and my connection to Nebraska. B stands for “Bansal,” my mother’s maiden name and my connection to India and the beautiful culture I was raised in. “K” stands for “Kern,” my fiancé’s last name and the future.

DISCLAIMER: Everything on this blog represents the sole views of Alexandra Martin and not the Technical University of Munich.